// Game created in Arexx - ver$ Dawn Of The Dead RPG v1.0a
address command 'Dawn:bits/style R 2'
say 'A discusting, decayed zombie wearing a diy belt leaps out at you....in his diy belt he has 2 items which you could kill him with. Which do you choose?'
echo 'screwdriver or ruler?'
pull answer
When answer = screwdriver then cmd = 'screw.rexx'
When answer = ruler then cmd = 'ruler.rexx'
When answer = use screw driver then cmd = 'screw.rexx'
When answer = use ruler then cmd = 'ruler.rexx'
When answer = kill him with screwdriver then cmd = 'screw.rexx'
When answer = kill him with ruler then cmd = 'ruler.rexx'